From “Good to Great” to Fallen

The May 25th, 2009 issue of Business Week’s cover story was about a new book by Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, on how a number of the companies that he and his team had followed in Good to Great had fallen from their high perches.


Collin’s new book, How the Might Fall, describes the stages of decline he and his team discovered:

  1. Hubris born of success
  2. Undisciplined Pursuit of More
  3. Denial of Risk & Peril
  4. Grasping for salvation
  5. Capitulation to irrelevance or death

Very interesting reading but what does this have to do with project management? Wehowthemightyfall.jpgll, as PMs we need to be cognizant of the business and understand how our efforts can help or hurt the business grow and stay alive. We should expand our reading beyond pure PM materials. I’m ordering my copy of How the Mighty Fall right now. If you haven’t read Good to Great, I recommend you do.

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